hi~~来更新啦,感觉情节要不要有点变化呢?新人物出现,看看会不会有什么火花呢?希望大家多多支持!
-----------------
两人高潮后躺在床上,空气中弥漫着性爱和汗液的味道,李晗的嫩穴仍然有一股一股的精液流淌出来,is摩挲着李晗的后背,“how
do
you
feel
han?”
“good,
and
tired…what
about
yourself?”
“yeh,
feel
great”,说罢is起身抱起李晗去往浴室,两人一同冲洗掉身上残留的爱液,is冲洗着李晗的私密处,亲吻着她的花丛…
出来浴室,李晗套上宽松的t恤,is穿着内裤,两人准备做晚饭…
is问道“
hey
han,
can
we
talk
for
send?”
“sure,
what’s
up?”
“do
you
like
?
how
do
you
thk
about
?”
“yeh,
like
you
thk
you
are
really
sweet~”
“do
you
want
to
be
serio
retionship
with
?”
“h
why
you
ask?
h
i’
not
sure,
we
jt
knew
each
other,
of
urse
we
t
along
very
well,
know
that
but
i’
not
sure
if
want
to
be
serio
retionship
on…
al
actually
tended
to
date
people,
know
we
can
t
along
well…”
“ok…
you
want
to
date
people?
like
what
kd
of?”
“i
don’t
know…
guess
the
pot
is
jt
thk
about
ttg
to
retionship
on,
and
do
like
you
tho”
“ok,
got
it…”is准备穿上衣服离开。
aren’t
you
gonna
stay
and
have
dner